Tuesday 26 April 2011

Sliding Banner with Jquery

It is very common to have a sliding banner in flash.I do try same with jquery.Here is a sample code with explanations:
My cenario is that if there are 5 pages in an application.then on each page, banner should be according to that page.Now first of all i get pageId on page_load and then according to this pageId i get image names from database.these images are stored in image folder in my root directory.if there is some href against a banner then the cursor get chang when it is on the banner.otherwise not.
all of these name are concatenated in a string.and then this strin is passed to client side.

<div id="divSlideShow" runat="server" style="display: none;">
<a id="banner1href"><img id="banner1" style="display: none;" /></a>
<a id="banner2href"><img id="banner2"style="display: none;" /></a>

In the above code i have declared two img controls.one of them is displayed at a time and other is display:none.
Here is my Jquery Code

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
        var ImageToggle = "1";
        var slideimages=new Array(); //string of image name is splitted and stored in this array.
        var slideURLs=new Array(); // string of image url is splitted and stored in this array.
        var slideshowspeed = 10000; //this variable is used in setTimeout method as time interval.
        var whichimage = 0;             //this variable is used to assign specific image in array.
        var staticUrl='<%=StaticURLsString %>' //stores static url.
//this function set default cursor depending on  above variable 'StaticUrl'.
 function staticDivCursor()
               $("#staticBanner").attr('style', "cursor:default;");

        //this function fill image array 'slideimages'.

        function slideShowImages()
            for (i=0;i<slideShowImages.arguments.length;i++)
                slideimages[i]=new Image();
        //set URL according to image.
        function slideShowURLs()
            for (i=0;i<slideShowURLs.arguments.length;i++)
//this is main function which slide images.
        function slideit()
            if (!document.images)
                                                    $("#banner1").attr('style', "cursor:default;");
                $("#banner1").attr('src', slideimages[whichimage].src);
                $("#banner1href").attr('href', slideURLs[whichimage]);
            else if(ImageToggle=="2")
                                                  $("#banner2").attr('style', "cursor:default;");
               $("#banner2").attr('src', slideimages[whichimage].src);
               $("#banner2href").attr('href', slideURLs[whichimage]);
            if (whichimage < slideimages.length - 1)
                whichimage = 0;
            setTimeout("slideit()", slideshowspeed);
//as all the function are defined they are called here on documetn.ready stage.     

if you feel me not a good explainer.then sorry for that but you may query where you feel confusing.and if there is something wrong and you have a effecient approach then i will appriciat if you share with me.
Muhammad Khalil

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